Intermediary Services, Ltd.
4840 MacArthur Blvd. NW #TR1
Washington, DC 20007
Dear Ms. Ballandchaino,
This is to inform you that the "Better Man" Campaign launched several weeks ago by Mr. Theodore P. Unseth (Composeur
Extraordinaire) has been temporarily sent to the Back Burner. Any Hopes and Aspirations you may have had re: the Campaign
will, we're sorry to report, have to be delayed pro tempore.
You, of course, have the Option (Option A) of simply accepting Mr. Unseth for what he Is, right now at this moment (we're
not authorized by Mr. Unseth to state exactly what That is, but we presume you have more than just a General Idea and can
Perceive him fairly, without prejudice). We're confidant you'll in no way be harmed by employing Option A. We've found, over
the years, that Mr. Unseth (Imperfect though he may be) is quite Sincere and Honest with his Approaches to Life and we've
seen no trace of Fatal Flaw in the Man.
Your Servant In Perpetuity,
Eileen Dover
Eileen Dover, President
Intermediary Services, Ltd.
p.s. We hope to see more of you on the Courts this Summer.
Intermediary Services, Ltd.
4840 MacArthur Blvd. NW #TR1
Washington, DC 20007
Dear Ms. Ballandchaino,
This is to inform you that the "Better Man" Campaign launched several weeks ago by Mr. Theodore P. Unseth (Composeur
Extraordinaire) has now been sent to Behind The Stove.
As we noted previously, you may choose Option A ("as is") when dealing with Mr. Unseth in the future. We hold to our previous
conviction that "Mr. Composer" is basically Harmless and you have nothing to fear but Fear itself.
Your Servant In Perpetuity,
Eileen Dover
Eileen Dover, President
Intermediary Services, Ltd.
p.s. We hope to see all of you (rather than only portions thereof) on the Courts this Summer.
Intermediary Services, Ltd.
4840 MacArthur Blvd. NW #TR1
Washington, DC 20007
Dear Ms. Ballandchaino,
This is to inform you that person/or persons Unknown vacuumed Behind The Stove while Mr. Unseth was
away and now there's no Better Man campaign, period.
We recommend you Wing It for awhile until a new campaign can be launched. Incomplete as he is, we still
regard Mr. Unseth as serendipitously seraphic/worthy of contemporary connubiality. (I'm writing this at Lunch, so excuse the
syntax: "Waiter, I said a double-shot, OK?").
Your Servant In Annuity,
Eileen Dover
Eileen Dover, President
Intermediary Services, Ltd.
p.s. What's all this talk about Breath Cancer? Don't these people know about Altoids?
See you at the Courts.